Graham has been a Fellow member of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) for over 20 years.

CIMA was founded in 1919 and is the leading professional body for Management Accountants, worldwide.  The Institute has over 55,000 members in over 120 countries and over 70,000 students.  It is one of the six chartered bodies in the UK, which collectively manages the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB)

It is the only body specialising in management accountancy.

Its education and training requirements are designed to promote qualified chartered management accountants who are trained in key principles of business management and who are experts in controlling, forecasting and communicating financial information in a form suitable for strategic management and decision making purposes.

More than half of the qualified accountants employed by the UK government are CIMA members.

What is management accounting?

Management accounting combines accounting, finance and management with the leading edge techniques needed to drive successful businesses.

Chartered management accountants:

  • advise managers about the financial implications of projects
  • explain the financial consequences of business decisions
  • formulate business strategy
  • monitor spending and financial control

The management accounting skill set

CIMA members are qualified to work across an organisation, not just in finance because in addition to strong accounting fundamentals, CIMA teaches strategic business management skills:

  • Analysis - they analyse information and using it to make business decisions
  • Strategy - they formulate business strategy to create wealth and shareholder value
  • Risk - they identify and manage risk
  • Planning - they apply accounting techniques to plan and budget
  • Communication - they determine what information management needs and explain the numbers to non-financial managers
To find out more from CIMA, please go to their website: